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Say Hello To A More Comfortable Period


A great vision, tremendous faith and two Kenyan women birthed Bintipads. There was a need to change the menstrual scene narrative that quality and affordability could not be housed in the same breath. Women are gems and every part of their being should be treated as such.

At Bintipads we believe that quality should be a non-negotiable standard especially where matters of such a personal and delicate nature are concerned.


Improving women’s lives through holistic feminine care –
innovative, clean, and effective solutions for all aspects
of her cycle and life.


At the heart of Bintipads is a massive necessity to transform lives by addressing period shame, ending period poverty and being champions on the education of good menstrual hygiene. When you buy BINTI pads you can be certain your contribution is going long way in making a difference especially to our dear sisters that have no access to affordable period care. We pride ourselves in being the sanitary pads company that makes a marked difference.

About The Binti Project

Supporting You Through Every Phase of Your Cycle

We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something

Mother TeresaSaint

Frequently asked questions

What size are the pads?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultricies metus sed turpis pulvinar eleifend. Pellentesque a tempor turpis, quis congue odio.

Where can I purchase Salient?

Proin accumsan mauris ut sem gravida, vel aliquam orci ornare. Cras sed urna neque. Vivamus mauris odio, pretium ac nunc a, ornare faucibus augue. Praesent quis lorem magna.

What is included with my purchase?

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
  •  adipiscing elit. Duis ultricies metus .
  • sed turpis pulvinar eleifend. Pellentesque.
  • a tempor turpis, quis congue odio.
  • Aliquam tristique, quam sed vulputate lobortis.

How can I get support after purchasing?

Donec orci est, viverra a volutpat vel, tempus non ipsum. Donec pellentesque aliquam pharetra. Maecenas tincidunt molestie enim, quis fringilla nisi laoreet in. Etiam ac nibh eget odio porta laoreet a at dui.

Why should I trust ThemeNectar?

Aenean facilisis facilisis nulla, non accumsan mauris gravida faucibus. Sed commodo laoreet erat, id elementum ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ac dignissim elit, sit amet sollicitudin eros. Cras facilisis neque nec dui dignissim congue. Vestibulum ac fringilla lorem. Nulla dignissim mollis consequat.

Quality and Affordability in Every Pad

© copyright Binti 2023

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About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753